I work well with others. I also work alone. I clean up pretty good. I’m that guy who’s always asking interesting questions.

Whether it’s a big brand or a big artistic idea, I love thinking expansively and then acting decisively, bringing a smile to my collaborators and clients. If you’re curious to know more, we should hang out.


Kind words

Whenever Joel have a project together I look forward to connecting with him, brainstorming, riffing, laughing—great ideas always come out if it. There's so much to love about Joel and his style. He writes with the integrity of the brand and brings a creative lens that comes from the heart and connects with the consumer. Yet, there’s more. I had to make a list, otherwise this would become a short novel. He’s: funny, human, well-said, a great storyteller, smart in his approach, collaborative and passionate. He looks at the business problem, has great depth of experience, thinks outside the box and delivers excellence. Joel would bring huge value to any team and any project. I hope you get the pleasure of working with him too.”—Donna Hazen, Principal, Experience Design, Point B Studio

Alfred Hitchcock has attracted a legion of writers and commentators since his death 1980. Only a few of these writers contribute something new to the canon. Of those few, Joel Gunz is surely to be counted. His analysis never reads like analysis; he is, as the best critics can be, a revealer who pulls together the pieces in a way that provokes one "aha!" moment after another. Hitchcock scholarship and popularity now rests partly in the hands of those who write about him. The master of suspense could not ask for a better writer to present his continued story to the next generation. I was about to write the next generation of Hitchcock fan—but a Joel Gunz reader cannot help but become another Hitchcock Geek.”—Dan Auiler, author of Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic and Hitchcock’s Notebooks